I am an amateur sci-fi writer who enjoys playing space games. Started to write this blog in order to share my experiences from these games – funny, sad, boring or anything in between – in the form of short stories.

My character’s backstory is rags to riches, born on Hurston, working hard to make a living. Not all the time legally. For better or for worse, she chose high risk data running as a profession, acquiring a taste for danger and a lot of friends in the underworld along the way. 

Right now, Star Citizen is my favourite space game and many of the screenshots and videos posted are from there. Credit goes where credit is due to Cloud Imperium Games.

You can also check out my Youtube channel DriftingOnStars for some of the videos I use here. Some are for stories, some for mood, while in others I’m just doing silly things.

If you are thinking about getting Star Citizen and stumbled upon this website, feel free to use the referral code below when you create your account, which will give you 5000 UEC bonus starting money while giving me a referral point.  STAR-KN2L-RZWN